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Old Firehouse Alley West

Running parallel to Walnut Street, Old Firehouse Alley West is located behind the historic Old Firehouse building and connects Pine Street to Linden Street. Completed in 2010, this was one of the first alleys designed for full vehicular access, allowing for essential ‘back-of-house’ functions like deliveries and trash removal to still take place.

Russell + Mills Studios was hired by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to develop schematic design, design development, and construction documents for Montezuma Fuller and Old Firehouse Alleys outlined in the Downtown Alleys Master Plan. The work involved extensive public input from property owners, City Staff, artists, and various boards, and commissions. Russell + Mills Studios was the lead consultant for the design efforts and design team which includes Civil Engineers, Traffic Engineers, Consulting Artists, Lighting Designers, and an Architect. 

The goal of the project was to create a catalyst for redevelopment and create rich and vibrant shared pedestrian/vehicular spaces within Fort Collins’ rich alley network. Designing in old downtown areas presents unique challenges of old utilities and abandoned systems. The alleyway enhancement demonstrates how forgotten parcels of downtown can be turned into lively, energized places. The design was careful not to inject over-designed and gimmicky elements, aiming rather for simple gestures to develop an organized design that is timeless and elegant.

There is a plethora of public art to discover as well. In this alley, the City of Fort Collins Art in Public Places Program worked in cooperation with the Downtown Development Authority to create 20 granite pavers. Drawings by local youth were selected through an open competition, and sandblasted into the pavers and feature a “History” theme.