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Winter Solstice Circle: Celebrating Darkness

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year followed by the sun’s “rebirth” or lengthening of the days. Many traditions across the globe have holidays that honor the light within the darkness, harnessing the power of the darkest time of the year to be able to find our own inner light.
Winter can also symbolize deep rest, reflection, and introspection. It is the time we turn inwards to our own needs and choose what we want to integrate within ourselves and bring forward into the new year.
In this circle we will be honoring the energy of the winter season as we learn to cultivate the wisdom of our own inner-winter and inner-light, and set our intentions for the new year ahead.
We will sit in circle, do a guided mediation, take part in a candle lighting ceremony, and open the circle for sacred sharing and space holding.

Women, Femme & non-binary folx welcome.

Led by Sarah Josey @Wild.Soul.Circles and Molly Lucinda @Molly_Lucinda

Sarah Josey is the Founder and Owner of Golden Poppy as well as her side project Wild Soul Circles. She loves creating spaces for us modern humans to tap back into the rhythms and cycles of nature, to bring forward our wildness, to reconnect with our higher selves and our deeper callings while making meaningful connections with those around us. These circles offer opportunities to take part in a ritual gatherings to facilitate reverence and sacredness in our lives. Please visit their respective pages to learn more about these circles and their differences.

Molly Lucinda is the owner & founder of Lucinda Luna. She has a background in retreat and event planning and a passion for nature and whole body wellness. Molly got her start in the retreat world over a decade ago and has been supporting women to co-create special experiences that help to foster connection and sacred spaces to heal. She’s incredibly passionate about creating community, learning and sharing about the magic of plants and her work supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs through Lucinda Luna.

Cost: $30

Space is limited to 16. Sign up today to claim your spot:

This event is produced by an outside organization and is unaffiliated with the Downtown Development Authority. The DDA website serves as a marketing outlet for events and promotions occurring inside the Downtown boundary. For questions regarding the event, please contact the event producer.